34 years ago, a RadioShack PC and spreadsheets gave my life new purpose
On November 27, 1982 my wife and I drove to Woburn, Massachusetts to attend a wedding. While we were waiting at our motel that afternoon, [Read More…]
On November 27, 1982 my wife and I drove to Woburn, Massachusetts to attend a wedding. While we were waiting at our motel that afternoon, [Read More…]
All my life I have been a console gamer, starting on the PlayStation 1, all the way up to the PlayStation 4. The closest I [Read More…]
Baldur’s Gate, from Baldur’s Gate It was a toss up between Baldur’s Gate and Athkatla, from Baldur’s Gate II: Shadow of Amn. The latter has [Read More…]
gradual pc? truely restarting your laptop could remedy a large number of technical issues. We’ve all been guilty of last down our computer lids rather [Read More…]
The Cool computer nicely summer time has arrived and that someday effects your laptop (nicely in India its like 35°c~40°c and in the center east [Read More…]
Adobe has issued a warning about a severe flaw in its Flash Player which the company acknowledges is being actively exploited, and thus a fix [Read More…]
Lately we’ve been hearing a lot about major changes coming to Windows 10 with this summer’s Anniversary Update, but naturally Redmond has plenty of minor [Read More…]
Everybody’s Gone To The Rapture has at last been confirmed for PC after a long stint on PS4. We suspected it was on its way: the [Read More…]
Fallout 4 was released in November, and while the game offers hundreds of hours of gameplay with no level cap, people are starting to get [Read More…]
Cross-platform play between consoles and PC has been a dream for gamers since online gameplay became more mainstream. Microsoft is finally opening up the Xbox [Read More…]
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