Seven penguins drown in latest deadly incident at Calgary zoo

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Dorgan said the deaths were unrelated. “Anytime that we have any deaths with different circumstances or things out of the ordinary, of course we’re going to look closely,” he said. “We don’t take anything like this lightly.”

The zoo, home to around 1,000 animals, has been working to continuously improve its processes, he added. “Anytime you have live animals, there’s going to be things that occur. We have humans looking after animals and just like humans doing anything, mistakes are going to happen.”

Zoo officials said they were working to minimise these errors, which led to one of the gorillas wielding a knife in 2009 after a zookeeper accidentally left it in its enclosure and a kitchen raid carried out by several gorillas in 2013 after the door to their enclosure was left open.

Some of the high-profile nature of these incidents can be attributed to the zoo’s policy of going public, Dorgan suggested. “The Calgary Zoo has an open transparency policy that most facilities like ours do not have,” he said. “It’s important to us that we make this stuff public and we share it with people so they can understand what does go on at a zoo.”


 [Source:-The Guardian]