The news feed of any social network, whether it b Twitter, Facebook, G+, you name it, is the place where we spend most of our time. We read and post news, interact with shares from our friends/colleagues. We’re networking.
But for some reason, most of us don’t want to spend our time on LinkedIn feed. Why is that? Here’s a possible reason:
In 2015, LinkedIn changed the look and feel of its homepage and eliminated most of the customization options for its News Feed. Now you can’t remove those pesky notes, like “people in your network have new connections” or “Jobs you may be interested in” (which usually don’t fit your skills and expertise anyway).
But still you have the ability to make your LinkedIn news feed worth reading. Just follow two simple steps below.
You probably have a lot of updates from people in your network, which in fact don’t provide any value. Math questions, connection updates, fake quotes from celebrities – you don’t want to spend your time on that garbage.
So, each time you see a garbage update in your feed, just click the arrow in the upper right corner of the post, and click “Unfollow.” You’ll have to do it a few times for it to have any significant effect, but eventually, your feed will be clean of non-relevant information.
But how to find those who add value? Simple.
For example, you want to read articles related to SEO – just search for posts using the appropriate search field setting (and, obviously, you can use the keywords from your own industry instead of SEO):
After you click “search”, you get tons of articles, which are relevant to your keyword. Moreover, you can see the authors who write often and also filter out only fresh items (i.e. posted last week) if necessary.
Now, just follow the authors who post relevant information. You don’t even have to be connected to follow them – pretty cool, right?
And that’s it.
Your LinkedIn feed is now officially worth reading.
[SOURCE :-socialmediatoday]