FultonHistory.com Upgrades dtSearch® Access To Millions Of Newspaper Pages

FultonHistory.com has 34 million historical newspaper pages extending back to the 18th Century. dtSearch is a leader in enterprise and developer text retrieval software and document filters. Contegra Systems has decades of data integration experience and is a major provider of custom development implementations for the dtSearch Engine market, including precision faceted search and other advanced data classification.

Contegra’s PDF Highlighter

FultonHistory.com visitors can now not only instantly search all 34 million newspaper pages, but also automatically home in on the exact place on the original newspaper image containing the search term. “With about a million visitors a month to FultonHistory.com, it is critical that the site runs smoothly,” says Tom Tryniski, founder, FultonHistory.com. “Adding Contegra’s highlighter to dtSearch makes the whole user experience run that much more seamlessly.”

Working with Old Newspapers

One key issue with old newspaper scanning is the possibility of OCR (optical character recognition) misreads and other typographical errors. The dtSearch Engine has its own fuzzy searching algorithm for sifting through such errors. For example, with a fuzziness level of 3, a search for “Titanic” would find not only “Titanic” but also “Titamic.”


dtSearch® enterprise and developer products offer 25+ search options for instantly searching terabytes of text. The product line’s document filters support Office formats, emails with attachments, databases, Web data, and more. Even better, the dtSearch.com site has hundreds of excellent case studies and press reviews.


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