Virtual reality is finally here, with the Oculus Rift shipping to its first customers earlier this week and the HTC Vive coming on April 5. To make sure everything works as it should, the graphics card manufacturers have put out VR ready drivers.
Nvidia has put out its GeForce Game Ready 364.72 WHQL drivers that are optimized for Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. As for non-VR, they’re also optimized for Dark Souls III, Killer Instinct, Paragon, and Quantum Break. The new updates also fix a handful of issues, such as frequent freezes and pauses when playing The Division using SLI.
AMD has released Radeon Software Crimson Edition 16.3.2, which adds support for Oculus Rift SDK v1.3, HTC Vive, and the as yet unreleased Radeon Pro Duo, AMD’s upcoming monster GPU. The new edition also adds Crossfire profiles for Hitman in DirectX 11, and has resolved a number of issues too. For instance, Counter Strike: Global Offensive should no longer fail to stretch on non-native display aspect ratios, FFXIV should have no more black screens, and you shouldn’t see any stuttering when the camera is panning around in XCOM 2.
Grab the appropriate driver if you’re trying out a new Oculus Rift or HTC Vive next week. We’ve run both headsets on older drivers without performance trouble, but the last thing you want in VR is a nasty latency hiccup.
[SOURCE :-pcgamer]