September’s OS market share blip left Windows 10 and Mac OS 13 still rising

Munch Scream

giveth and the numbers taketh away. After last month we saw a blip in usage for both Linux and Apple in the monthly tally from the increasingly erratic Netmarketshare, it seems that whatever caused it has righted itself.

Because of the way that the numbers get collated, by how many devices running a given operating system go online each month, it could well be that outages (including a range of natural disasters) could have borked everything.

We’d tell you more but they never reply to our emails.

Either way, the numbers look a bit more like they did back in August now so we’ve decided to look at this month both month-on-month and then net compared to that date too.

Linux has dropped back down to 2.98 (-1.85) which is a net drop from August of a further -0.39. Mac OS has dropped less, now standing at 6.25 (-0.8) which is still a net gain of 0.29.

Moving on to Windows and Windows 7 now stands at 46.63 (+0.41) which means that it has kept most of the huge drop it suffered. It’s still down over two full points (-2.28).

Windows 10 has been the only steady riser throughout, and now stands at 29.26 percent (+0.61) still a long way from where Microsoft hoped for, but still a gain of 1.63 percent.

Windows XP, the troublesome thorn in Microsoft’s side is at 6.47 (+0.96) up nearly a full percentage point, but a more level +0.37 net rise.

Windows 8.x made a slight recovery overall at 7.37 (+0.31) but net, it’s still -0.05 on August. Split it down and Windows 8.1 has actually seen more of a consistent dip – 5.97 is up 0.14 but net, it’s down -0.51 as people move from 8.1 to 10, while those on Windows 8.0 stubbornly stay behind.

Breaking down Mac a bit further, as you’d expect, the current Mac OS 12 is starting to dip at 3.34 (-0.46), an aggregate of -0.18 as people move on to Mac OS 13, which has jumped to 0.57 (+0.48) a mean jump of 0.55.

Overall Mac OS is 6.25 (-0.8/+0.15), Windows is at 90.19 (+2.32/-0.86) and Linux is 2.98 (-1.85/+0.45).
