The Science Behind UX Design

Most people can’t truly multitask. For that reason, good user experience (UX) design is one that gives just enough information to proceed to the next stage. Supply users with too much information and they will most probably “crash.”

For instance, if it’s an app for working out, users probably just want to know the price for membership and what that includes at first. If you start off by explaining exactly how they’ll lose weight and providing success stories, they’ll most likely be annoyed and quit. Keeping it precise and simple is the first principle of good UX design, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Give Users A Sense Of Control

As someone who runs a digital agency that specializes in UX design, automatically playing videos are my pet peeve. They simply aren’t a good thing if you plan to increase your conversion rates. Humans love to be in control. It’s comforting for us. When something unexpected pops up, our primitive intuition senses it as danger, as that’s how we survived the Dark Ages. The moment users sense “danger” on your website, the trust level goes down — and so do your chances of conversion.

How are Facebook videos that play automatically by default so popular, then? The answer to that lies in expectation. People logging on to Facebook are looking for engaging content to share and they expect videos to play automatically. They can also change the default settings, which gives them a sense of control.

Automatically playing videos are a blatant example of snatching control away from your users. It can happen more subtly too; for instance, really long web pages can make users feel lost. One of the solutions to that is sticky menus.

Similarly, push notifications can seem like an infringement of privacy. The problem can be solved by allowing users to choose how they would like to be notified. For instance, in the case of our workout app, you could give your users options of a motivational message with their alarm, a reminder when they are coming back from work or successful cases every week. The idea is to not act too salesy. Instead, make it seem like they are making their own choices.

Keep The F-Pattern In Mind

A Nielsen study that analyzed more than 200 web users across thousands of websites found that most people tend to scan web pages in an F-pattern. They notice the first line of a page before scanning the page vertically, until they find something that catches their interest again to scan horizontally, thus creating an F-pattern.

For that reason, the upper-left corner of your web page should have a strong element, since it will definitely get noticed. Most companies use their logo in the upper-left corner. However, you can always experiment with putting your latest offers there and see how users react.

It is also important to break the monotony in order to keep users interested. Placing differently shaped elements after a few rows is one way to do it. Ads could also work. Avoid using calls-to-action for this purpose, though. They will most likely get ignored, which is never good for your conversion rates.
